Pacific NW Scottish Highland Games
We went to Enumclaw, WA to see my other favorite boys...
Simon Fraser University Pipe Band.
Look! They're wearing black socks!
More Big Noise
We also celebrated Mom's 70th birthday!
She was surprised that I had 'occasion appropriate' wrapping paper and was carefully opening it because she wanted to save it to use on my birthday gift. When she finally got it open, the screaming began...
Wooly said, "Sounds like she likes it!"
Then she asked how to wear it. I put it on her head and said, "Like this!"
"You have a doily on your back!"
She started laughing so hard she was crying! I think she looks like those Russian Nesting dolls that she collects. Then I wanted to take a photo and she said, "Wait! wait! I have to look somewhat serious!... Okay, hurry! I have to pee!"
I put Lyra on the table so she could see the pattern and told her that fancy people put it on their round table with a vase of flowers... She said, "Fancy people?! (giggle) Wait! I have a round table! (starts jumping) I can't wait for my friends to see it...! They all want to be your friend because I told them you knit for your friends...!" I told her NOT to promise them anything!
Wooly played his bagpipes for her. We all had fun.
In Knitting News...
Unst has a border!
I had just finished and gave it a quick look and thought I had knit it on the wrong side! Wooly was waiting in the car, so I ran out to join him so we could get groceries. Wooly asked what was wrong and I told him. He was horrified too! I bought a piece of carrot cake, just in case I needed to console myself. When we got home, I looked again, WHEW! False alarm!
Now, I need to knit it again for the second border... right side up! ;)
Summer Sampler Stole
Patterns 7 Blackberry Bramble (bottom)
Pattern 8 - Surf Side (middle)
Pattern 9 - Fritillaria (top)
Only 3 patterns to go + edging!
I have a feeling I'll be doing edging for Unst at the same time.
Can you believe August starts this Friday?
We're not travelling this summer because someone bought bagpipes instead (ahem!)
Wooly asked if I was disappointed and I told him that when you think about it, we've never been as social or busy as we have been this summer... and we haven't had as much fun either! So, I'm really enjoying being at home and hanging out with our friends.
Hope you're having fun too! Happy Knitting! Enjoy every day!
OK. Mr. K. is just too funny.
Wow. Your lace knitting is amazing! I'm so glad your Mom loved the gift, lucky lady. :)
Yay Simon Fraser University!
Michelle- Your mom is adorable- such a cute lady.
Love those kilts!
You knew your mom was going to love it! And that she'd jump up and down LOL.
I do envy all your bagpiping opportunities. If Wooly knows any unattached 50 something pipers - I can offer hand knit kilt hose and on the house kilt making (once I get the Marine!Goth's Leatherneck tartan stitched up)!
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