Thursday, May 27, 2010

Tree Catcher

I'm through row 83 of the border for The Queen. You can see the full miter in the corners and the spiders marching around.
I'm just starting the lace mesh now (top holes.) It still seems like a billion stitches per round but, for me,  it's better than knitting 4 separate borders, then sewing them together.
"hear ye, hear ye... all hail the Queen!"
"Poser! I've been wearing the real crown since the beginning!"
"Kamati, your crown doesn't have jewels! You're the poser!"
"Hey! I thought I was next in line for the crown!"
"Smoothie, you're a smurf... I mean surf. You'll never wear the crown."

Yep, everyone wants to be royalty, because royalty rules.
In reality, the crown fits the lamb because she has the biggest head. :)

Tomato News
Look at Topsey! See all the flowers?! AND the huge tomato!!

There are 5 tomatoes and lots of flowers. Can you believe it?!
Not to be outdone, Planter has lots of flowers too, and a tomato!

Can you believe it?! We might get salsa this summer! :)

How to Catch a Tree
Mr K is catching trees at grandma's house. It's a bamboo pole. I think he looks like Brother with that baseball cap on. I'm sure Corey can't wait to catch them too.

It reminds me of when we were little and Dad had us practicing our casting. We had real fishing poles, and never caught a tree. :)

That last picture is your classic pee shot (if you ask me.) lol!

Happy Knitting!
I hope the sunshine has arrived at your house.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Happy Hibiscus

"Wooly, will you take my picture?"
"Sure, what do I get?"
"You get to take me to lunch... make me lunch... take me shopping?"
Jamieson's Shetland Spindrift
3mm + 3.25mm needles
size 6 AB crystal beads
size 38.5" 
I knew I had to make this at first sight. Pink & flowers! I added beads to the center of the O's just for fun, It adds a little surprise & shine.

I think this would make a fun first fair isle project. The only shaping is for the neckline. You learn steeking & knitting front bands (no buttonholes) and it's PINK!

Beautiful design, Anne! I love it! :)


Wooly and I went to the store and the bill was exactly $10. The cashier said to Wooly, "WOW! I guess you get a hug!" I was thinking, "Hello. Standing right here." Wooly totally missed it because he was staring at the display - '$10.00'

Then the cashier say, "I guess you need to buy a lottery ticket!" Wooly says, "I already have. If I win, I'm coming back and giving you $500. See, we're willing to share, so there's no reason why we shouldn't win." We left giggling because nobody believes us, when we tell them that. I told him to we should give her $1000.

Day after the lottery drawing, Wooly heads back to the store and buys another ticket, picks up more grocery and says to the cashier, "Well, we didn't win. I bought another ticket. 'The Wife' says I get to give you $1000 dollars if we win this time." She says, "I bought one too, so if I win, I'll give you $1000" (notice how she said 'you?' What about me?)

Needless to say, Wooly really likes this girl now and tells me he thinks she's Cuban... Latino.

I tell my Mom this whole story...

A few days later we head to my parent's house to drop off the yearly Mom's Day fuchsia basket and gifts. We're chatting it up with them and I say to Wooly, "Why is there green glitter on your mustache?" Wooly says, "Huh?" and wipes his mouth.  Mom says, "Who have you been kissing that's wearing green glitter lipstick?!"  Wooly says, "hey, are you really worried about it?"  I say, "Aren't you glad I pretend like I'm worried about it?" Wooly says, "HEY..."  I say, "Was she Latino?!"

Mom and I died laughing. What I wanted to add is that 'hay is for horses' (right, Malcolm?!) LOL! He really had green glitter on his mustache. *sigh*

Did you know, it was also Auntie Michele's Day?!

Corey is 1 and Mr K is 3. Are they not the cutest ever? OMG.

I celebrated by buying geraniums for my planters. Different shades of pink & coral. Mom gave me 2 red ones. Looks a lot like my Hibiscus Cardigan!

Then again, every day is Michele's Day. ;)

Now I've got the win the lottery...

Happy Knitting!
Next time we'll see who's wearing The Crown... :)